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terça-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2013

The Wind, Frozen Wind

I’m here in the park
Thinking in nothing…
Really… nothing!

The wind is passing,
Passing for me.
To me;

And, I’m sited here,
Feeling the wind,
That is refreshing my face.

It’s cold.
Is winter?

I don’t have no place to go,
I live here, there…
Or, somewhere!

Probably I’m alone,
I don’t know.
I don’t even know,
Who am I and…
What I’m doing here.

I’m just sited in the city,
In this big city,
That is my life.

My life was to complicated,
To be lived,
That’s why I died.

Yes, I’m dead now.
And, I stay here just to feel the wind.

This wind that is frozen my face,
That is frozen my soul.

Alexandra Miranda (2007)

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